High School & Beyond Plan Guide

Learn everything you need to know about Washington’s High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP), the graduation requirements needed to fulfill the state mandate and additional resources to set you up for success.
The High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) is a graduation requirement and a tool that enables every student to plan for and pursue education or training and careers after high school.
Whether you’re a student, parent or an educator, this blog has all the information you need to learn the basics about HSBP requirements as well as the tools you need to get every Washington student, future ready!
What Is the High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP)
Many states have state mandated specifications that guide students through a streamlined process of meeting certain graduation requirements.
According to the Washington State Board of Education, “The High School and Beyond Plan is a graduation requirement for every student. It’s a process for students, parents, and teachers to guide students through high school and think about their future.”
The plan should start for each student during the seventh or eighth grade, and needs to be updated each year until students graduate.
Students can create individualized personalized plans that help them set goals and work towards achieving those goals. According to the Washington State Board of Education, Washington students also need to complete Credit and Subject Area Requirements, and Graduation Pathway Options, along with the High School and Beyond Plan to achieve their high school diplomas.
Discover How Xello Can Help You Meet High School & Beyond Plan Requirements
How Is the High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) Structured?
The required elements of the High School and Beyond Plan, courtesy of the Washington State Board of Education, include the following:
- Identification of career goals aided by a skills and interest assessment.
- Identification of educational goals.
- A four-year plan for courses taken in high school that meets state and local graduation requirements and is in alignment with education, training or any other secondary or postsecondary goals students want to pursue.
- Options for satisfying state and local graduation requirements, taking into consideration academic acceleration, dual credit courses, Career and Technical Education programs, and graduation pathway options.
- By the 12th grade, students should create an activity log or resume highlighting their education, work experience, extracurricular activities or community work.
- Proof that the student has received information on federal and state financial aid programs that help pay for postsecondary programs such as: financial aid applications pertaining to FAFSA and WAFSA, application deadlines, information about the College Bound Scholarship application and more.
What are the Processes Districts Should Follow to Support HSBP?
HSBP process for middle school:
Students in middle school should start the High School and Beyond Plan by the end of eighth grade, with a career interest and skills inventory that can help them figure out what courses to take in high school and ensure they’re setting education and career goals.
Parents and guardians should also have access to students’ plans and these must be available to them in their native language. Districts and schools should also inform seventh and eighth grade students of the college bound scholarship program.
HSBP process for high school:
State dependents and ninth grade students must be informed about the program.
According to the Washington State Board of Education, “Students in the college bound scholarship program should be reminded about program requirements to remain eligible and provided with information about filling out a financial aid application in their senior year.”
Students unable to attain a score of level 3 or 4 on the middle school math state assessment should include math courses in ninth or 10th grade as part of their plan.
The plan should be updated regularly to reflect students’ changing interests and goals and should include high school assessment results that showcase courses taken in junior and senior year.
High School & Beyond Plan: Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when students change their minds?
That’s not a problem at all. Students can revisit their plans and revise information regarding their goals, career aspirations, coursework and extracurricular activities.
What tools can help me manage HSBP?
A digital tool developed by WSIPC’s My School Data is available through school district information systems that helps students create a digital plan.
But if you’re looking for a solution that immerses students in career exploration and planning and engages them with every aspect of the High School and Beyond Plan, then look no further than Xello.
Xello is a company that produces online programs for K-12 students. With engaging, modern software we enable students to complete the work necessary to meet HSBP requirements.
Districts use our programs to help their 7th – 12th grade students achieve the following goals in relation to the HSBP:
- Identification of career goals using a career interest inventory
- Identification of education goals
- 4-year course planning to ensure fulfilment of graduation requirements and alignment with long-term career and post-secondary goals, including dual credit programs.
- A resume and activity log
- The ability to learn and reassess, updating plans to reflect current assessment results, student progress and changing student interests, goals or needs.
- Support of tracking and completion of CTE pathways
- Interventions to help students meet graduation requirements
Read: How Vancouver Public Schools is Meeting High School and Beyond Plan Requirements Using Xello
Are there any state resources that can help students with their High School and Beyond Plan?
There are many resources available to assist with the development of the HSBP. You can check out Career Interest Inventory and Postsecondary Options, or visit the State Board of Education website.
Feel free to download this helpful guide by the Wokforce Training and Education Coordinating Board or check out OSPI information about HSBP Planning.
Other Essential Information about HSBP
HSBP information for educators
If you’re an educator, you can direct students to relevant resources so they can learn about careers based on their skills and interests.
Xello is one platform that provides students with all the relevant career and postsecondary options available to them beyond high school, based on each student’s unique skills and interests.
As an educator, it’s your job to nurture students’ strengths and guide them to become future ready so positive reinforcement and encouragement to students on developing their HSBP will go a long way.
HSBP information for parents and guardians
Review your child’s HSBP regularly with them. Pay attention to their likes and dislikes and how these develop over the course of their middle and high school years.
Reach out to your child’s teachers and counselors to get a better understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses so you can support them with their HSBP.
HSBP information for students
Make sure you store all your course information, extracurricular activities and goals in one place so you can easily keep track of what’s needed as you transition to higher grades and adjust your HSBP accordingly.
Be open to exploring various pathways, whether postsecondary options or various careers, so that you’re on your way towards becoming future ready.
Additional Resources
High School and Beyond Plan Information for Students, Educators and Families
Meeting the Requirements of HSBP Using Xello
District Self-Assessment Guide for HSBP Implementation
OSPI Career Guidance Washington
Whichever tool you decide to use to help students meet their High School and Beyond Plan requirements, it’s important to ensure they are immersed and invested in the process.
Do you have questions about how your district can successfully implement HSBP requirements? Just click on the link below to learn how Xello helps students meet High School & Beyond Plan requirements and book a call with our education consultants.